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Smart Contract

Think of the Prometheus X protocol like a special lane within a highway, where this highway is a smart contract on the Cardano main network.

This smart contract acts as a safety vault that keeps the digital money safe when it is being used elsewhere off the network.

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Off Chain

Transactions are processed in this off-network area, which is much faster and efficient.

The outcomes of these transactions, named “proofs”, are like digital receipts.

These proofs are combined and processed back on the main Cardano chain

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This is the entity that generates the proof of what has happened off-chain.

The prover computes and creates a ‘rollup’ of all the transactions that have taken place off-chain, creating a summary in the form of a zero-knowledge proof.

The prover’s task is computationally heavy but can be done off-chain without slowing down the network.

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This is the entity that checks the proof provided by the prover.

The verifier ensures that the transactions that were bundled together in the rollup are valid.

If the proof holds up to verification, the changes are made to the on-chain state, reflecting all the off-chain transactions.




Staking a specific amount of PXO will act as your access key to the PXO Platform.


PXO token holders will be able to vote on critical platform decisions, additions and upgrades.


PXO tokens will be used to pay transaction fees, query fees, and also for data access behind paywalls (private APIs).